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What is Intentional Creativity?

Intentional Creativity was developed by Shiloh Sophia, artist and healer in Sonoma, CA.  Even more than an approach to painting or healing, Intentional Creativity is best described as a philosophy of living.  It is based in the belief that patterns of being can be transformed by awakening our innate creativity and through the grounded application of imagination.  The practitioner of Intentional Creativity claims themselves as a place where storytelling and art-making reconstruct often unconsciously-held narratives through which the act of living itself evolves into an art form.


One of the most beautiful aspects of Intentional Creativity is that it is available and accessible to everyone.  To create is our birthright and the only requirement to create in this way is a willingness to be present and to explore what is.  Rather than beginning with the left-brain question of, “What should I make?” when the Intentional Creativity practitioner stands before a canvas (or any other gateway of creation), they ask the sacred question, “What is my intention?” 


By asking these sacred questions, one looks boldly within and surrenders to mystery and possibility.  Conscious-altering portals are painted to open perspectives and expand patterns of thinking.  Linear thought yields to stream of consciousness as new intentions ask to be included.  Flow precedes composition as layers of brush strokes and washes of color solidify into shapes, symbols, and codes. The multi-faceted image that is ultimately revealed on the canvas could not be architected from the start.  Rather, it is born out of the inner wisdom that has been accessed and given form through the journey of intention.


I am a graduate of Color of Woman, the Intentional Creativity Certificate Teacher Training Program offered by Shiloh Sophia.  I have participated in other courses with Shiloh Sophia including Legend and Temple.  In addition, I have received individual mentoring program from Shiloh in Quickening focusing on Intentional Creativity, medicine painting and the creation of ritual.

Unto Herself, 2022, True

103 Reynolda Road Winston-Salem, NC 27106


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