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Shamanic Healing

The Guardian, 2020, True

Shamanic healing is a spiritual practice that is both ancient and contemporary,
with origins in cultures from around the globe. The shamanic path is a relational
one creating deep rootedness with one’s true nature, past the conscious mind and what is known.

Shamanic healing as it is offered by me is woven through three main traditions.

Though there are characteristics that are universal to all shamanic practices, there are also unique systems and distinct lineages. My work is an integration of the lineages I study as well as the initiation rites and the personal transformation that I have received through them. More than simply a set of techniques, a shamanic healing session is a co-creation between you and I, sourced by our respective openness to soul work and being in relationship with spirit and the non-ordinary. Healing takes place through cooperative power and communication with the natural world, our own bodies and senses, dream and journeying, rhythm and movement, mythology, as well as relationship with our personal ancestry.

Teachings from the Americas, Europe and South East Asia influence my offerings. One of the first major systems I studied was of the Q’ero people of the Peruvean Andes with Lucinda Brogden and Petra Le Bleau. This lineage focuses on balancing masculine and feminine energies through cultivating relationship with the sacred feminine and the natural world. Ritual and ceremony as well as the use of personal awareness and intuition are integral to this system. Through this lineage I have received the rites of the Nusta Karpay and the Nusta T’ikariy and am a mesa carrier.

Ceremonial Drum, 2022, True

Niasziih healing taught by Wilderness Fusion has also been foundational in my work. 

Niasziih (pronounced Ni-a-zee-EYE) is a nature-based system of healing that uses the technology of tracking to map one’s inner landscape. Tracking allows for an expanded awareness and deep contact to heal the body, mind, and spirit.

Touch is used in this system to facilitate the deepening of that awareness. The Niasziih teachings have been passed down from Lipan Apache elder, scout, and shaman, Stalking Wolf to other healers with the intention of them being broadly taught and shared. I have been initiated as a shaman through this lineage after several years of intensive study and personal evolution.

Just as the Niasziih system uses the body as a vehicle for deep contact with inner wisdom, so does the practice of yoga. Yogic practices are infused in the shamanic healings I offer through the use of movement and posture, breath and meditation, as well as mantra and sound. These practices allow for expanded awareness through embodiment on a core level.

In addition to the above, I have received mentorship from two Medicine Women. The first is Annie Bloom of the Buffalo Dreaming Lodge in Utah. This mentorship has guided me to the wisdom available through sacred wandering, dreamwork and ceremony.

I was with White Star Medicine Woman of Flower Eagle Medicine Lodge in North Carolina. White Star guides me in the teachings of The Original Clan Mothers (The work of Jamie Sams) and the divine feminine, shamanic drumming, working with spirit guides, dreamwork, movement and pipe ceremony.

Lastly, the medicine of Shaman, Sandy Phocas, has also influenced my own, particularly in the realms of Niasziih healing, past life relationships, intergenerational trauma and healing, the use of breath, shamanic drumming and journeying as well as Systemic Constellations.

If this path calls to you, consider honoring the call. In our work together, I will use my own guidance and intuition so you can access the deeper parts of yourself.

This will allow you to create freedom from past wounding and to have a somatic experience of your own wisdom and healing. Sometimes facilitated by touch, healing takes place on an energetic level that you will experience as a practical and intuitive clarity of how to create new patterns of vitality and harmony in your life.

Healing sessions are one hour long and are $150.  These sessions are not covered by insurance and are private pay only.

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