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Psychotherapy is an opportunity for you to be deeply listened to in an environment of acceptance and respect. My approach is founded in western psychology and individual Systemic Constellations layered with the wisdoms of yoga and shamanic practices from across Europe and the Americas.  A typical therapy session will feel like a very intentional conversation rooted in inquiry, the purpose of which is to support you to move past brain/mind, the terrain that you already know, into deeper insight and intuition.  I will support you to move past familiar narratives, into a space of healing and self-affirmed wisdom.

Sometimes that can be accomplished through conversation.  Other times it is useful to incorporate guided meditation and/or movement (such as gentle yoga postures) into our work to allow for the expansion or embodiment of a particular experience.  We also may incorporate the use of the figurines used in System Constellations to represent different aspects of inquiry.  This approach allows to new perspectives, awarenesses and resources to be accessed on a deep level.

Though our time together is very important, most of your healing and growth will actually happen outside of our sessions as you break patterns that no longer serve you.  I may offer practices tailored to your healing intentions for you to begin at home.  These may include a meditation practice, pleasurable movement, wanders on the landscape, creating ceremony and ritual as well as artistic expression.

Choice will always be held at the forefront of our work. What we focus on, the modality we use, and the pace at which we work is lead by you. My role is to guide our discussions and activities to assist you in tracking your inner landscape of thoughts, emotions, body sensations and intuition so that your awareness expands into your place of sacred knowing. Our sessions will support you to move into new ways of being so you can experience yourself, your relationships and your life anew.

Petal Dance, 2022, True

The following are areas of practice that well suited to my offering:


  • Addiction recovery (Relationship, Behavioral and Chemical)

  • Mood disturbance

  • Relationships and sexuality

  • Spiritual development

  • Life purpose and meaning

  • Healing family patterns

Most psychotherapy appointments are 50 minutes long and my fee is $150.  I accept private pay clients and participate in some insurance plans.  If I am not a provider on your specific plan I can provide you with a receipt for you to submit to your insurance company for possible out-of-network payment.  I accept payment in cash, check or through Venmo. 

103 Reynolda Road Winston-Salem, NC 27106


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